Mercedes-Benz NYC Spring Fashion Week (month) is O.V.E.R!
In my world, that's a BIG deal. Can you tell from all the caps?

Apple ipad display

Cartier pedestals

QVC pedestals

Kadan Productions
The tricky part is finding pictures of the final product. However, I did manage to find the part of the QVC pedestal display that Pat constructed. For more of Kadan's work take a look at their website (bloggers let me know if I gave proper photo credit below.)
photo courtesy of
So... that's a glimpse behind the scenes of NYC Fashion Week. Aside from ALL the work, it's always nice to see old friends ....

Pat is now back in the swing of things here in good ole' Delaware and I couldn't be happier. AND.... my computer is fixed! In the words of Larry David... things are pretty, pretty good.
haha, that's a spot on drawing of mr. matt.